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Peptide therapy: a revolutionary approach in cancer adjuvant therapy and rehabilitation treatment

What is peptide molecule therapy?

Peptide molecular therapy is an innovative medical technology that uses short-chain amino acid molecules (peptides) to regulate biological functions. It supports the body’s repair and regulation by precisely targeting cell signaling pathways. It has shown remarkable effects in anti-aging, metabolic regulation and immune support, and is widely used in anti-aging centers and the field of functional medicine for its safety, high efficiency and personalization.

The role of peptide therapy in cancer adjuvant and rehabilitation treatment

Peptide therapy is the use of therapeutic peptides to modulate specific biological functions in cancer patients during treatment and recovery. These peptides can be synthetic or extracted from natural sources and are designed to target and modulate biological pathways that play key roles in cancer recovery, tumor suppression, and immune system enhancement. This therapy shows potential in enhancing immune function, reducing inflammation, and supporting overall recovery after cancer treatment.

In adjuvant cancer therapy, peptides help optimize the body’s natural healing process, act as cell signaling molecules or trigger apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells. Peptide therapy has gradually gained attention due to its precision, fewer side effects, and complementarity with traditional cancer therapies.

The mechanism of peptide therapy in adjuvant cancer treatment

Peptide therapy helps cancer patients in a variety of ways during treatment and recovery, promoting recovery and overall health. The following are the main mechanisms of action of peptides in cancer adjuvant therapy and rehabilitation care

Peptide therapeutics allow for precise delivery of therapeutic agents to cancer cells or damaged tissues. Specific peptides are designed to bind to cancer cells or help repair healthy tissue, ensuring that treatment is focused and effective. This helps reduce damage to healthy cells and tissues, speeds up recovery, and minimizes side effects.

Peptide therapy can help trigger apoptosis of cancer cells, naturally eliminating residual or latent cancer cells, thereby reducing the risk of cancer recurrence. Peptides like p53 mimetic peptides can restore the apoptotic process, ensuring that residual cancer cells are eliminated after primary treatment, promoting a more complete recovery.

In adjuvant therapy, certain peptides can prevent tumor regrowth by inhibiting angiogenesis. These peptides block the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptors that cancer cells use to form new blood vessels, effectively starving the tumor and limiting its ability to regenerate.

An important benefit of peptide therapy in cancer recovery is its ability to boost the immune system. Certain peptides can act as immune enhancers, increasing the activity of T cells and natural killer cells (NK cells), which are essential for identifying and destroying cancer cells. This immune modulation not only helps to clear residual cancer cells, but also supports overall recovery by enhancing the body’s natural defenses.

Peptide therapy is often used in combination with traditional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy to improve patient outcomes. By sensitizing cancer cells to chemotherapy or radiation, peptides can enhance the effectiveness of these treatments while protecting healthy cells. This combination often results in better recovery rates and reduced toxicity, making the post-treatment period more manageable for patients.

Why choose peptide therapy supplements over natural sources?

Although peptides are found in some foods and the human body can produce them on its own, the use of peptide supplements in cancer adjuvant treatment and rehabilitation has significant advantages

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Clinical research and academic articles on peptide therapy in cancer adjuvant and rehabilitation treatment